
To challenge is to affirm a child’s capacity for excellence.

Through a rigorous curriculum and high standards, our students become clear and analytical thinkers, outstanding writers, and curious, life-long learners.

At Renbrook, we believe academic rigor is critical to the development of successful, life-long learners. There are a number of ways in which our teachers facilitate learning activities that inspire cognitive engagement and deep learning while maintaining a joyful learning environment.

Academic rigor at Renbrook can be understood through looking closely at curriculum. For instance, in a Grade Three social studies unit on Westward Expansion, students learn about Manifest Destiny, the Lewis and Clark expedition, territory acquisition, trail simulation, and the Native American experience. Not only do our students learn through reading high quality literature, viewing primary sources, and researching digital content, they also experience a real-life simulation of moving wagons on and off trails on our campus. In addition, students learn, discuss, write, and debate the language of the discipline, laws, social codes, daily life, and government during the time of Westward Expansion. This “rigorous” unit of study helps our students think deeply about that time in history, building context to deepen and extend learning.

When a student graduates from Renbrook, they are well prepared and eager for the academic challenges that await them in secondary school. They have developed the skills of thinking critically about content, making connections, questioning, and problem solving.
