Happy Birthday MLK
Reading Comprehension
As adults, we tend to overlook the complexity of the ability to make meaning from something we read because we have been doing it for a long time and because it happens automatically and instantaneously for so many of us. For children, though, especially during the elementary school years, there is so much involved in processing print.
Read More ...How Are We Beautifully Different?
Dr. Kelly Bird presents at Independent School Management Conference
- Scheduling tips to promote collaboration and ways to create connections across subjects for interdisciplinary projects.
- The benefits of designating a makerspace coordinator in each school division.
- The importance of creating a scope and sequence for specific skills students can choose from.
- The impact of the environment’s physical design on student interest and sense of belonging.
- Concrete steps to build a shared commitment to learning through “making.”
Making: An Iterative Process Presents Opportunities for Learning
Renbrook School Featured in West Hartford Lifestyle Magazine
Renbrook School was recently featured in the November edition of West Hartford Lifestyle Magazine and Glastonbury Lifestyle Magazine. Head of School Matt Sigrist talks about our mission and the Renbrook difference. Our own Katie Jackson graces the cover with her woodworking students. Enjoy the full article here.
Read More ...Why I Teach by Nancy Reynolds
Maggie Doyne, Author and Philanthropist Visits Renbrook School
Friend Wanted
Columbus Day
As you know, school is closed on Monday due to Columbus Day, a federal holiday in the United States which celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492. As a child in America, I sat in my elementary classrooms around Columbus Day and learned about the Niῆa, Pinta, and Santa María. In music class, I learned songs about those ships, and my teacher read picture books that taught me about an adventurous and brave explorer who “discovered” America.
Read More ...Play is the Work of Children
Eighth Grader Excels at Track & Field
The Pandemic Within the Pandemic: COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Racism
Enjoy Alana’s paper here.
Building Number Sense
Shelley Grant ’21 gives moving chapel talk
Last month, Shelley Grant ’21, a Renbrook alumna and current student at Brooks School in North Andover, Massachusetts, delivered a chapel talk.
A chapel talk is a brief speech written by a student and delivered to their fellow students and faculty. Chapel talks focus on themes that are personally meaningful to the speaker; they are reflective and range from the moving to humorous to motivational.
In her moving chapel talk, Shelley tells her story as a Ghanaian American. She shares her love for poetry as both a bridge and an outlet and recites three of her original poems. You can watch Shelley’s talk here.
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