Boston Area Alumni Reception
March 2, 2018

Boston area alumni and their guests gathered on February 22, 2018, for a Renbrook Regional Reception. Hosted by Board Chair Eric Daniel’s ’77 P’15 ’18 and Head of School Scott Hutchinson, the reception was held at Robinson+Cole in the BNY Mellon Center in Boston, MA. In addition to catching up with classmates, reminiscing about their formative years, and making valuable new connections, attendees heard from Upper School Head and STEAM Instructor Dr. Marek Beck about how Renbrook is leading the way with the NEW SMART by fostering a learning environment in which students can develop both the skills and dispositions they will need to succeed in tomorrow’s world. The next regional reception will be help in New York City on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at the Yale Club. Contact Alumni & Special Events Coordinator Kira Miskimmin P’27 at or 860.236.1661 for more information or to register.
Posted in Alumni