
We are all beautifully different illustration of thumb prints

How Are We Beautifully Different?  

December 12, 2022
What a treat it is to share the culmination of our first units in Preschool through Kindergarten with our readers. Each grade’s unit strove to answer the essential question, “How are we beautifully different?” This question stems from Renbrook’s Diversity and Belonging Vision Statement “Beautifully different, stronger together, united in purpose for the public good.” At the Beginning School, we are laying the foundation for our students to feel “stronger together and to be united in purpose for the public good” by first supporting them to develop a strong sense of self and embrace others.  
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December 2, 2021
Recently, many people around the globe celebrated Diwali, the Festival of Lights. Diwali for Hindus is similar in importance as Christmas for Christians.  Ms. Raghuvir, Renbrook’s Lower School Counselor, helped set up a Happy Diwali display right inside the entrance to the Nelson Building during that week. There were photos, diyas and LED tea light candles, and books.
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Love Makes a Family

October 15, 2021

Helping young children understand the differences and similarities between their families strengthens their sense of identity and helps them grow into empathetic friends and classmates. At the Early Learning Center, we find many ways to help children talk about their families and to foster inclusivity and belonging.

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Hispanic Heritage Month

October 8, 2021
Between September 15 and October 15, Americans all over the country celebrate National Hispanic American month. This observation, started in 1968 under President Lyndon Johnson, pays tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation. During the month of observance, several Latin American countries celebrate their independence, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Chile. 
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Renbrook’s Evolving Work for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

May 17, 2021

In 2020–2021, as our country renews its commitment to equity and justice, how is Renbrook applying our mission and values to this call to action?      

Decades of faculty, parent, and student work (see sidebars) have laid the groundwork for this time. But the work is a long journey, and the national movement of the past year has offered new perspectives for deeper exploration. Facing the past, opening up dialogue in the present, and looking toward a future of healing and growth, Renbrook’s community is dedicated to the work.

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Black History Education in the Early Learning Center

March 2, 2021

Black History Month was created to ensure due attention was given to the numerous and important contributions of people of African descent. The goal was not for discussions, research, and projects to start and end in February; Black history is American history and should be woven into conversations with children throughout the year.

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Skin Color Study in Junior Kindergarten

December 3, 2020

We want all students to see themselves as integral threads of the classroom fabric, so it is important that no single skin color is considered “normal.” To avoid having any child feel like an “other,” students need support to identify, describe, and discuss their own skin colors.

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Third Grade Immigration Day Projects

March 5, 2019

Immigration Day is the culminating event of the third grade study of immigrants coming through Ellis Island in 1908. Leading up to Immigration Day, students read non-fictional and fictional accounts of Ellis Island and traveled to the Connecticut Historical Society to learn more about the reasons immigrants left their home countries to come to America. 

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Black History Month

February 28, 2019

In honor of Black History Month, Renbrook enjoyed a concert from the Bloomfield High School Gospel Choir! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

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With Liberty and Justice For All

September 27, 2018

8th graders got a lesson in flag folding today. Did you know that each of the 13 folds has specific symbolism?

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Peaceful Change-Makers – Grade 2

February 20, 2018

Second graders kicked off their Peaceful Change-Makers unit by thinking and writing about peace:  what peace means for themselves; what peace means for their friends and families; what it means for their communities; and what it means for the world. This helped them think about peaceful changes and how ordinary people can do extraordinary things to help the world move towards peace.

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