Diversity and Belonging
Diversity and Belonging Vision Statement:
united in purpose for the public good.
Diversity and Belonging Mission Statement:
We believe this work is accomplished best with a positive and constructive mindset, seeking unity, and an understanding of the experiences of others.
Purpose Statements:
Four purpose statements describe the primary focus areas of our work on diversity, equity, and inclusion, beginning with the individual, expanding outward to the learning environment, encompassing the community, and finally projecting these efforts onto the lives our students lead after Renbrook. Belief Statements assert what we value in each area, and the “In practice...” section provides specificity for future goal-setting initiatives.
Part I: The individual and the power of belonging
We believe children thrive when they feel they belong.
In practice, we….
Acknowledge, embrace, and sustain a diverse student body.
Promote positive identity formation in order to build a stronger collective community.
Examine our biases.
Build, support, and sustain a diverse faculty and staff.
Foster belonging.
Part II: The curriculum and the learning environment
We believe learning springs to life through authentic encounters with diverse viewpoints and perspectives.
In practice, we...
Review our curriculum regularly.
Balance the classics with the contemporary.
Explore a variety of perspectives and narratives.
Examine and challenge bias in historical viewpoints.
Engage in regular professional development.
Develop a curriculum that prepares students to lead with courage and empathy in service to the public good.
Part III: The Renbrook Community
We believe our community thrives when we recognize and embrace our differences so that we can unite around a shared vision.
In practice, we…
Celebrate our diverse backgrounds, experiences, and identities.
Cultivate strong relationships as the foundation of a thriving community.
Examine barriers to access and belonging and ensure equal opportunity to engage in all aspects of school life.
Listen to understand and learn from others.
Affirm community values.
Part IV: Our orientation toward action and the public good
We believe this work is essential to provide our students the skills to navigate and ultimately lead in a global and inclusive world.
In practice, we…
Unite around purpose for public good.
Develop the leadership skills to be an advocate for self and others in order to pursue change.
Develop skills of empathy and cultural responsiveness.

Non-Discrimination Policy
Renbrook School admits students of every race, religion, sex, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate with regard to students on the basis of race, sex, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.