Board of Trustees


Photo of Fern J. Barrasso

Fern J. Barrasso


Photo of Stephen Roth

Stephen A. Roth ’06


Photo of William V.N. Philip

William V.N. Philip

Vice Chair

Photo of Michael D. Klett

Michael D. Klett ’98


Photo of Molly Rutledge

Molly Rutledge



REnbrook School Trustee Elizabeth Chou

Elizabeth Chou

Renbrook School Parent Association President Missy Callahan

Missy Callahan

PA President

Renbrook Trustee Mariela Podolski

Mariela Podolski

Renbrook School Trustee Barbara Hennessey

Barbara Hennessy

Photo of Caroline M. Buckley

Caroline M. Buckley

Photo of Robert V. Deutsch

Robert V. Deutsch

Photo of Rebecca Corbin Loree

Rebecca K. Corbin Loree

Junisa Grear - Board of Trustees - Renbrook School

Junisa S. Grear

Trustee Brook Hazelton

Brook Hazelton

Trustee Kate Kaufman

Kate Kaufman ’03

Photo of Carroll K. Lane

Carroll K. Lane

Photo of Jolyn Manafort

Jolyn Manafort

Jessica Matzkin - Renbrook School Board of Trustees

Jessica Matzkin

Photo of Anjanette Ferris Senatus

Anjanette Ferris Senatus

Photo of Renbrook School Board Member

Tejal Shah

Photo of Matt Sigrist

Matthew R. Sigrist, Ex-Officio

Mavi Tarantino - Board of Trustees - Renbrook School

Maria V. Tarantino

Photo of George R. Trumbull IV

George R. Trumbull IV ’92

Renbrook School male, white faculty member wearing shirt and tie

Lincoln Vaughan ’91

Faculty Representative

Wilson Vega - Board of Trustees - Renbrook School

Wilson Vega

Board of Trustees Member Heather Viets

Heather Viets ’94

Herman Woodard - Board of Trustees

Herman Woodard, Jr.

Nichelle G. Woodson

Nichelle G. Woodson

By Class
