Grandparent Community
Throughout Renbrook's history, grandparents have served a critical role, strengthening and growing the school for all of our children through their philanthropic and volunteer leadership. Every year the Grandparents' Group, in collaboration with the Head of School and the Development Director, selects a distinctive project to fund. Grandparent Fund Projects directly benefit Renbrook students and support school priorities. We are grateful for the support and leadership of the Grandparents' Group and invite you to join their efforts by making a gift to the Grandparent Fund.
Grandparent Executive Committee
- Pierre and Dawn Boulanger GP'24 '28, Co-Chairs
- E. Clayton Gengras, Jr. & Edith P. Gengras P'85 '87 GP'15 '17 '19 '19 '20 '23, Ex-Officio
- Stuart Bear and Cheryl Chase GP'27 '30 '32
- Jill Coscarelli GP'24 '26 '30
- Beth Lowery GP'25 '29 '29
- Jon A. & Elisa Manafort GP'13 '16 '18 '18 '19 '24
- Katie Nixon P’04 GP’34
- Curtis D. & Sheila Robinson GP'25 '29
- Anja E. Rosenberg GP'20 '22 '28
- Henry S. Scherer, Jr. P'81 '82 GP'18 '19