Lower School Students Are Dreaming BIG!
October 12, 2018

The Cardboard Challenge is in full swing in grades K-5. This year we’re creating cardboard playscapes designed for children of all ages and abilities. Students in grades K-5 traveled to Jonathan’s Dream Playground on the campus of the Mandell Jewish Community Center in West Hartford.http://www.jonathansdream.org/. They got to experience firsthand a playground that was designed for children of all ages and abilities.
After returning to campus students Skyped with a playscape designer from CedarWorks, designers of environmentally responsible products in the world for active play, in Rockport, Maine. The designer answered students’ questions and explained the design process from concept to production.
Next stop; Wesleyan University! A playscape design team from Renbrook will be chosen to bring their cardboard prototype to IDEA170 Introduction to Design and Engineering class at Wesleyan. The team will pitch their playscape idea to members of his class. If they choose this project, the Wesleyan students will then build it to scale.
Come see the Cardboard Challenge Showcase on Wednesday, October 24 in Stedman Auditorium anytime between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. TThe playscape creations will be on full display as well as artifacts from the Cardboard Challenge journey!
Posted in Academics