Social Studies, Humanities, and History at Renbrook School

Building a Foundation for Social Studies in the Early Learning Center
Grades Preschool – Kindergarten
Kelly Bird, Early Learning Center Director
We build the foundation for social studies in the Early Learning Center as our youngest students first learn about themselves and how to function as one of many in a group. This learning begins in their classroom and extends to Renbrook’s natural environment before moving beyond their first “learning home.” The background knowledge that they build, the questions they ask, and the learning skills they develop prepare them for social studies in Lower School, where they will begin to tackle lessons about the human experience. Read More.
Social Studies in the Lower School
Grades 1-5
Julie Schlossinger, Lower School Head
Social studies in grades one through five at Renbrook is designed to support students in developing a strong understanding of the multiplicity of human experience. We believe students must build the skills necessary to become effective problem solvers and decision makers in order to participate in empathetic, inclusive, and thoughtful ways in society. The units of study in each grade help expand students’ knowledge and understanding of civics, economics, geography, and history. Through the use of primary sources, project-based learning, and field trips, students are able to interact with social studies concepts in very real and substantial ways. Read More.
Humanities and History in the Upper School
Grades 6-8
Kara Ashley, Upper School Head
In the Upper School, the study of social studies transitions into a course in Humanities in grade six. This interdisciplinary model combines the teaching minutes of English and history, allowing a single teacher to develop the skills of an historian to build helpful context for the books we read. Opportunities to study topics across the curriculum and focus on building close reading and writing skills using similar language has advanced our students’ skills in the liberal arts. Read More.