Students Compete in MATHCOUNTS at UHART

On Saturday, February 3rd, 14 Renbrook students competed in the Hartford Chapter MATHCOUNTS Competition at the University of Hartford. There were 28 schools, both public and private, represented either by having students compete as Alternates and Individuals. Each school designates four of their “Individuals” who then compete in a “Team” round. Their score in this round along with the average of the scores of these four students make up the Team score. This year there were 25 “Teams”, 205 “Individuals”, and 25 “Alternates” competing. This competition is getting stiffer and stiffer every year as students try to qualify for a spot in the State round and rankings very often differ by a quarter of a point in many cases. Only the five top scoring Teams move on as well as the top 40 Individuals. This year Renbrook had a very respectable showing, ranking 9th out of 25, and we had one student, Sophie G. who ranked 31st /205. She will compete in the State Competition in March.
Congratulations to Sophie and to all our Mathletes and thank you for spending, what turned out to be a very long Saturday, at the competition.
Certificate of Participation Recipients are: Alternates: Sahil A., Andrew K. Will N., and Jayden Y.
Individuals: Manu N., Jake O., Shauna S., Ethan S., Brendan S., and Zoe W.